CAST Software Featured
The MRI for Software: CAST achieves for software what MRIs have for medicine: unprecedented visibility
Automated production of actionable insights into the structural condition of custom-built software systems for cutting costs, accelerating transformation, lowering risks.
CAST technology generates a holistic understanding of software systems by analyzing software’s inner structure, architecture and composition. The resulting Software Intelligence helps digital leaders make fact-based decisions, visualize architectures, detect security threats and ensure the safety and soundness of business applications and software products.
-Analyzes the system architecture to identify invalid calls and references between technology layers.
-Emulates run-time behavior of system components.
-Scans for patterns and anti-patterns in application control flow.
-Aggregates and normalizes findings based on industry standards and consolidate across applications.
-Adjusts findings to match application behaviors
-Track data flow along static and dynamic call stacks
-Verifies cross-layer and cross-technology links between components
-Understands programming language syntaxes and grammar using source code parsing
-Validates engineering practices against a rules engine to identify non-compliant objects or situations
-Identifies cross-layer and technology transactions from user interface to data entities
CAST Software Intelligence provides a holistic understanding of a system enabling the identification of dangerous software flaws while ensuring safe, resilient, agile, and high-performing systems.
Automated source code analysis of hundreds of applications in a week for Cloud Readiness, Resiliency, Agility, Open Source risks. Objective software insights combined with qualitative surveys for business context.