ThoughtWorks Featured
This company offers application integration, Artificial intelligence and platform technology and how to weave these together to transform the operating architecture to tranform the business model. Excellent for the non Technical Manager. Try their Decoder ThoughtWorks are said to have invented the concept of "distributed agile". They pioneered the techniques that harness the power of global teams to deliver software excellence at scale. Their distributed teams across the globe provide access to a broad range of technology capabilities, to help the client think big, move fast, and deliver value with the right skills at the right time. The advantage to the client is the diversity of talent that they can mobilize for the client and provide a template for the geographically diverse Client's own agile operation.
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+1 404 481 4100
Taking the guess work out of milk production for farmers across the UK
For the average dairy cow, milk production peaks during the time she is in heat. For dairy farmers, to pin point that moment is critical: increased yields = increased revenue. Dairy farmers must give their buyers accurate predictions of their milk production each year. Traditional methods have made it increasingly difficult to predict, putting pressure on the farmers. Until now. (more...)