KEYVA Featured
KEYVA consultants help enterprises to automate multi-clouds, multi-vendors, processes, applications and infrastructure within their environment. From determining issues to developing a strategy to execution of automation, we thoroughly walk our clients through each step.
They automate the companies adjustments to infrastructure changes: Their main offerings include: Hybrid Cloud
Automation between multi-cloud environments can simplify processes and mitigate risk. Automation & Orchestration Automation simplifies tools and architecture, while orchestration streamlines processes and procedures. DevOps DevOps means something slightly different to every company. KEYVA helps to focus on the Operational side of DevOps. Tools & Products KEYVA consider all the options for solving problems and identifies new opportunities before recommending the tools and other products needed.
Keever's distinctive competencies lie in two salient areas: Infrastructure As Code (IaC) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD). IaC allows organizations to move required infrastructure configurations to be deployed as, and along with, application code. or modular playbooks that allow the application requirements for infrastructure capacity to be defined and requested when the application is built in an environment. CI/CD Automates the process of translating small incremental improvements or changes to applications to changes to processes tools and platforms, enabling change to occur smoothly saving 70 to 80% in leadtimes to end-users.
KEYVA helps clients deploy Infrastructure automation tools such as Terraform and Ansible, Red Hat OpenShift and Kong Enterprise API gateway, using their ServiceNow App.