Sage has been a provider of software solutions for small and mid-sized businesses since 1981. The company has more than six million customers worldwide, with three million in the United States and Canada.
Sage HRMS, formerly called Sage Abra, is a fully-featured human resource management software solution with the capability to handle talent management, recruiting, risk mitigation and compliance, timekeeping and attendance, both in-house and outsourced payroll management, employee benefits management, a paperless HR system and decision support. Sage HRMS can also generate reports as needed and handle tax filing and year-end reporting by exporting information to Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix. The system supports self-service for employees, allowing them to request time off, review their pay history, and update contact information. Both employees and managers can review information at any time via the Internet or via company intranet. Optional cloud features are also available as an add-on to Sage HRMS. Services available include modules for company-wide announcements, knowledge bases, and electronic payroll information.-TA Technology Advice
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